Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Featured Video from Toastmasters International's 
Youtube Channel:

Here are the 5 basic public speaking tips brought to you by Toastmasters International. Check out more of Toastmasters International's video here.

If you're from Mississauga and looking for a club to learn these tips, visit Comfortably Speaking Toastmasters Club every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month from 9:15 am-11:15 am. 

Where Leaders Are Made

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sharing is truly caring!

During our meeting today, we shared stories, humour, advice, experiences, and even cookies! A comment we always get from our guests and members is how we are constantly able to create a supportive, friendly environment for people to grow and thrive in. We attribute that to our encouraging community and the values we build each meeting on: honesty, trust, and constructive feedback.

Our members didn’t even hesitate to share their spirit to make today’s meeting a successful one. Our president and chair decorated the room and brought props fit for the theme of ‘O Canada, eh?’ Some stepped up and filled available roles. Others pushed their boundaries and volunteered for an impromptu Table Topics speech.

The contributions continued during our business session, where the executives shared their plans for the new term with the members and the members, in turn, shared their views. We realize that any major change needs to be a majority rule and that everyone should be given the chance to voice an opinion. Keeping this communication between executives and club members going is crucial to designing a club plan that includes each member’s own individual goals. We want our meetings to be a venue for all members to achieve their targets. After all, that’s why we joined Toastmasters, right? :)

I also want to mention that after our next session, July 20, 2013, we will be attending Amacon Mississauga Rotary Ribfest! It will be just outside the library in Celebration Square. This is a chance for us to mingle amongst lots of food and live entertainment. Feel free to bring any guests! As always, we welcome any comments or thoughts about how we can serve you better. See you all on the 20th!

Nadia Qasmieh
VP Public Relations 2013-2014
Comfortably Speaking Toastmasters Club

Comfortably Speaking Toastmasters New Executive Officers (2013-2014)

We would like to welcome and congratulate the following new Executive Officers of Comfortably Speaking Toastmasters Club who volunteered to serve the club this year (2013-2014): 

President: Odecca Joy Ordonez
VP of Education: Rafiq Qutub
VP of Membership: Jason Walsh
VP of Public Relations: Nadia Qasmieh
Treasurer: Euna Son
Sergeant-At-Arms: Kyla Werrett
Secretary: Jinky Austria

Our club is open to the public and our regular meeting is every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month from 9:15am-11:15am at Mississauga Central Library (301 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W., Mississauga, ON L5B 3Y3) Room CL4 (until August 3, 2013) and Room CL2 (from August 17-December 7, 2013).

For more information, kindly contact our VP of Membership, Jason Walsh, at vpm-1120086@toastmastersclubs.org.

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